Mom Gamers

Moms love games too!

11:31 AM

Zynga Bought GoPets

Posted by Mom Gamers

 Facebook social game developer Zynga has bought the rights to GoPets.

Couple of industry articles here and here.

This is bad news and good news for GoPets users. Zynga doesn't have a pets-based social game in their game lineup. So, it's quite likely they will develop something off the GoPets idea, maybe even with the GoPets name?  The bad news is that it will likely be a Facebook app (since all their other game lineup seems to be of the same.) Not that Facebook games are bad, no. It's just that the social aspect of some Facebook games is really lacking, even though Facebook is a social network. GoPets had a huge social following. The pets+social network+family oriented+gentleness of the game drew lots of folks together and made this one of the most wonderful games on the internet. Additionally, Facebook games seem to lack something. It's all click, click, click and get rewards. Over and over again. Pretty boring. This will also mean that current users' pets will most likely "pass away" due to the restructure of the game to be a Facebook application. Very sad.

GoPets only has one day of life remaining. Love to you all.


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