Mom Gamers

Moms love games too!

8:55 AM

Enchanted Island

Posted by Mom Gamers

Enchanted Island is a recently new Facebook game. It's done by the folks that do Growing Gifts. Enchanted Island is a different kind of game, what's known as a passive game. You can keep it open in your browser tab and come back to it during the day every 15 minutes to play. It's a game of patience!

On Enchanted Island, you start out as a visitor to the island.  In town you meet up with folks who help you out along the way. You acquire a wand which helps you grow flowers. As you cast and grow more flowers, your skill level increases, as does your silver and gold. Silver is used to purchase more flower seeds, pots, wands and clothing. Gold is used to purchase special seeds and potions.

Casting is 2 casts every 15 minutes. The game runs in a tabbed window of your browser so you can visit and cast at your leisure. It's a relaxing game.

You figure out early on that one of the ways to accumulate more silver is to grow three flowers in a row. You get either tips from selling multiple flowers in a row, or you can haggle the price if you want more from your set of flowers.

Pursten at the potion shop carries potions to help you along the way. Luck potions to help you have better luck in casting, bad luck potions to help you get duds when you're growing fire seeds and need those embers, and even a transformation potion if you want to change the sex of your avatar.

A visit to Kendral the herbologist will provide you with information on all the flowers you've grown. Shadowed flowers designating that you have more to discover. You'll get statistics on what you've grown: how many of a particular type, how many three-in-a-rows, comparison of your numbers with top growers. The flowers are beautiful and colorful.

Viewing your profile will give you information on what you've currently got on your flower stand. As well, it's fun to look at other folks' profiles to see what they have sitting on their stands.

Additionally, you can see the pots you have in your inventory, seeds, and special quest items.

You can also see your badges. There are seed badges, quest badges and other special badges awarded along your journey.

A very cute, albeit not very prominent, therefore probably overlooked, feature of the game is the option to write your avatar's story (or any story you want!) As you level, you are able to write another short chapter in your book. You can right now only read chapters of others who are the same level as you. The more you level the more you can write and read others' stories. There are some interesting and creative chapters out there!

Hops is the keeper of the forum and written historical information on the island. The forum has a group of good folks and the staff is communicative. They're working all along to keep the game fun and interesting.

Some folks have complained that getting 2 casts every 15 minutes is boring. Where's the excitement? Where's the fast action? This game isn't about that. You'd be surprised how many 15 minute segments you can miss when playing, if you don't pay attention. The game's passiveness makes it a wonderful tiny enjoyment to a busy day.

Keep on casting!


Unknown said...

I miss this game so much!

Spence said...

I loved playing this game ten years surprises me how it's been completely forgotten along with King of Kingfu, Ninja Warz, Cafe World, Ninja Trick, Country Story, and a bunch of forgotten gems...

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